
个人表现研究对所有买球平台学生开放. 目前, 提供古典钢琴课程, 流行/爵士钢琴, 经典的声音, 流行/爵士的声音, 吉他, 流行/爵士吉他, 大提琴, 小提琴, 中提琴, 小提琴, 竖琴, 流行/爵士低音, 最低音的, 单簧管, 法国号, 长号, 小号, 长笛, 双簧管, 巴松管, 萨克斯风, 还有流行/爵士鼓. The 音乐 Department may offer instruction on other instruments based on student request and instructor availability.


学生在 所有级别 of skill and experience may request music lessons (courses numbered MUS 28XX) 在北极星 在第一和第二回合 秋季注册.  音乐 lessons are not separated by course numbers to distinguish between introductory and intermediate.

  • 有以下经历的学生 从来没有 采取 任何级别的课程 在买球平台 应该请求 奇怪的 课程编号,e.g., mus 2837个人演奏研究:钢琴; 最初的学期.

  • Students continuing music lessonsat any level 在买球平台 应该请求 甚至 课程编号,e.g., mus 2838个人演奏研究:钢琴; 持续的学期.

  • When the number of requests is greater than the number of available seats, Bowdoin’s course registration preferencing algorithm will be activated as follows:

    • 音乐 专业/未成年人

    • 其他所有人

  • 空间有限. Students interested in taking music lessons are strongly encouraged to submit a request 在北极星 during Round 1.

    • Additional seats may be added during the Add/Drop registration periods for some instruments depending on instructor capacity. Waitlists will be determined by the order in which students were shut out 在第一和第二回合.


大提琴:Christina Chute 
单簧管:Titus Abbott 
吉他:John Johnstone和Gary Wittner 
流行/爵士贝斯,低音提琴:Duane Edwards 
古典钢琴:Naydene Bowder, George Lopez, Gulimina Mahamuti 
经典声音:Christina Astrachan 
单簧管:Titus Abbott 
小提琴:Christina Chute 
长笛:Krysia Tripp 
竖琴:Suki Flanagan 
萨克斯管:Titus Abbott 
长号:Anita Jerosch 
小提琴:Dean Stein, Yasmin Vitalius 
Kathryn和Jae Yeon



1. 登记
  1. To enroll in lessons, students must request their course 在北极星 during registration 第一或第二轮. Space permitting, students may add a lessons course during the add/drop periods.  
  2. 课程必须在第二周开始. Students should add or drop lessons 在北极星 在第二周上课之前.
  3. 空间有限. There is a round one and two registration priority 在北极星 for those previously shut out. Please note the following course preferencing for rounds one and two 在北极星: 
1 -音乐专业/辅修 
4 -其他所有人 
  1. Each fall, there will be a set number of seats held for incoming first-year students. 
2. 学分及评分

One-half credit is granted for each semester of study up to six full credits (combined with ensembles) and are graded 信贷/D/Fail only, 高级性能研究除外(38xx), which are worth one full credit per semester and are standard letter grade. 


信贷/ Cr(通过):  

Learning Expectation: Technical and musical improvement consistent with 5-7 hours practice per week.  

Attendance: No unexcused absence (excused absences allowed: see info below).  


学习期望:难以察觉的进步(i.e. technical and musical improvement consistent with less than 5 hours practice per week  

Attendance: One unexcused absence without make-up, and/or consistent tardiness to lessons. 


Learning Expectation/Attendance: More than one unexcused absence regardless of technical and musical progress, 或者没有改善, 或未能完成要求的独奏会. 


3. 期末背诵课要求 

Students who begin their applied music studies 在买球平台 as a beginner on their instrument or voice: 

  • 一定要表演3-5分钟 a piece or movement learned in lessons in a public venue (if public health and safety guidelines allows)在他们的 第四 一个学期的学习,以及之后的每个学期. 

Students who begin their applied music studies 在买球平台 at an intermediate level on their instrument or voice: 

  • 一定要表演3-5分钟 piece in their second 一个学期的学习,以及之后的每个学期. 
  • The 音乐 Department defines an intermediate student as having three years of experience on their instrument or a basic technical facility.  

 4. 时间的承诺 

每节课一小时,每周一次. 学生必须完成 每学期12节一小时的课, and must schedule a make-up lesson with their instructor if they are ill or have an emergency.  

Once a student’s registration for a lessons course is reflected 在北极星, 学生应该给他们的老师发电子邮件来安排上课时间. 上课时间必须安排好 在第二周上课之前. 学生必须保证每周都有这个时间. 上课的房间号码将在上课的第一周分配, and will be emailed to students and faculty by the second week of classes. 第二周开始上课 每学期12节课.  

The Department encourages teachers to present students with as wide a range of repertoire as is appropriate for their level, and to provide enough material for students to spend at least 5 useful hours per week at practice. 

学生可能只是因为生病而缺课. 排练, 学习时间, 体育活动, or meetings with professors are not acceptable reasons for missed lessons. 如果学生因病缺课一到两节课, 那些课应该在同一学期补上.  

任何有 无故缺勤一次以上,从信用级降为D级. Missing a lesson without letting the instructor know in advance will count as an unexcused absence.  


5. 成本

参加学分课程的学生每学期支付840美元的费用. One fee per semester is automatically waived for students who receive financial aid from the College. There is no need for aided students to inform the department of their aid status. All 音乐 majors and minors receive two free semesters of study in either their junior or senior year. 欲了解更多信息,请见音乐系协调员. 

If a student is required to purchase musical scores and needs financial assistance with that purchase, there are two options for financial assistance with those purchases. Students may ask their dean if the Office of the Dean of Students can provide funds to reimburse them, 或者他们会联系 德尔玛小 (在音乐系)谁可以直接购买乐谱. 


6. 仪器及储物柜

Loaner instruments and storage lockers are available at no additional charge. 详情请与音乐设备经理德尔玛小联系. 



音乐38 xx, 高级个人表现研究, 允许严重, 进修生通过实习获得一个完整学分, 学术研究, 和性能. The applied instructor works with a faculty advisor to assist students in preparing a mid-semester jury (30% of grade) and an end-of-semester recital 30-45 minutes in length (40% of grade).  The faculty advisor oversees the writing of program notes (10% of grade) and an 8-12 page essay (20% of grade). 这门课的等级从A到F.

先决条件: Students must have successfully completed 2 semesters of intermediate lessons for credit (MUS 28xx) and have an advanced level of technical facility on their instrument.

Interested students should inquire with their instructor and find a faculty advisor the semester preceding study.

联系: Clare MacKenzie, Department Coordinator -- cmacken2@567888n.com
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